No rider, trainer, coach or horse enjoys eating or inhaling dust. Dust is a common problem in addition to a health concern.
There is a solution that won’t break the bank or the environment – WHOA Dust

Cost Effective & Environmentally Safe!
WHOA DUST is cost-effective, odourless, biodegradable, non-toxic and will not wash away in the event of heavy rainfall. A small and concentrated granular, it’s easily applied with a broadcast seeder and then fully dissolved with water. Affordable to be used with almost any-type of footing.
WHOA DUST causes the dust to become heavy and as a result, dust can no longer rise. In addition, the surface tension of the horse riding arena footing becomes more stable without increasing unwanted packing.
You can reduce the watering of indoors arenas by up to 80% and outdoor arenas by up to 50%. That is a huge money, water and time saver!
A 6500 square foot arena with 3 inches of sand footing requires only 6 kg of WHOA DUST with very minor amounts being applied every three to six months, your arena will stay in top condition year-round!
What would you rather do? Eat dust when you ride or use WHOA DUST any enjoy your ride?
#dustyarena #whoadust #footingsolutions #arenadust #whoadustfornodust