When the mercury takes a dip, equestrians in the North often face a common adversary: A frozen riding arena…. This can cause many unwanted sliding stops… No pun intended. Ensuring your outdoor arena and indoor remains in prime condition during winter is paramount for the well-being of your equine companions and the quality of your riding experiences.
Navigating the Winter Season: Strategies to Keep Your Outdoor Riding Arena Footing Safe and Usable
During the winter months, frozen arena footing can be a major concern for both riders and horses. As temperatures fluctuate, the footing can freeze and thaw, creating an unsafe, slippery surface that poses a risk to both. So, how can you ensure that your arena footing remains safe and usable throughout the winter season?
Arena Footing 101:
Understanding and Managing Freeze-Thaw Cycles
Maintaining a safe riding environment in your arena requires a thorough understanding of how freeze-thaw cycles affect it. When moisture in the footing freezes, it expands and can damage to the base and the quality and consistency of the footing when it melts. To prevent freezing and manage these cycles, it is essential to implement strategies such as proper drainage to handle water runoff and choosing the appropriate footing type.
Improving The Use Of Magnesium Chloride In Winter Footing Management
Magnesium chloride has been the simple go-to when winterizing arenas, ensuring that footing does not turn into an icy, hard surface. It absorbs moisture, prevents the footing from freezing, and keeps it manageable, ensuring your rides remain smooth and safe even in colder temperatures. But how does one ensure that the use of magnesium chloride does not inadvertently cause harm to both equine and arena?
Navigating Through Potential Pitfalls:
Risks and Remedies in Winterizing Your Arena

It’s crucial to maintain a balance while using magnesium chloride to maintain footing. Overuse of magnesium chloride can lead to several problems, such as speeding up decay in wooden structures surrounding the barn and posing potential health hazards to horses and riders. It is important to ensure that the concentration of magnesium chloride used is not excessive, as it may affect the integrity of your arena, your horse’s hooves, and its performance. It’s essential to be cautious and exercise due diligence while using additives like magnesium chloride.
WHOA Dust® and Magnesium Chloride:
A Dynamic Duo for Winterizing Arena Footing
A combination of WHOA Dust® and magnesium chloride can be the key to maintaining the integrity and safety of arena footing during harsh winter conditions. This dual approach ensures stable and secure footing, while also safeguarding against potential structural and equine health challenges that can arise due to cold weather.
WHOA Dust® and Magnesium Chloride:
Reducing Cost Advantages
Magnesium chloride is well-known for its ability to prevent moisture in the footing from freezing, but WHOA Dust® takes it one step further by ensuring the footing remains supple and resistant to the rigidity of winter. By incorporating WHOA Dust® into your strategy, you can optimize its effectiveness and reduce your magnesium chloride usage by over 50%. This results in economic benefits and lowers the risk associated with excessive chloride application.
WHOA Dust® and Magnesium Chloride:
A Safier Way to Improve Footing
Using WHOA Dust® in combination with magnesium chloride can help arena keepers maintain consistent and safe footing, resulting in a more enjoyable riding experience while also protecting against corrosion, hoof issues, and structural damage. By using WHOA Dust®, you can improve your winterizing efforts, promote eco-friendly practices, and ensure that your rides remain comfortable and safe even in icy conditions, preserving both the arena’s integrity and the horse’s performance.
Securing Optimal Winter Footing:
From Drainage to Material Selection
During winter season, a frozen riding arena can pose a serious threat to your horse’s health and your own safety while riding. Therefore, it is important to maintain ideal winter footing through strategic approaches such as using proper drainage systems and selecting suitable footing materials. This ensures that your equine partner stays healthy and safe, and you can continue to enjoy your riding sessions despite the cold weather.
Ensuring Proper Drainage to Counteract Freeze-Thaw Impact
To maintain a stable, non-slippery surface and ensure safe riding during winter, it may be effective to have a drainage system. This system can include solutions like French drains, which manage water runoff and prevent waterlogging that can lead to the freezing of the arena surface. By managing water effectively, you’ll be able to ride safely through the winter season.
The Importance of Footing Material in Winter Manageability
Choosing a footing material that not only provides stability and traction but also remains resilient against freezing temperatures is vital. Materials like sand can become hard and compact in freezing temperatures while adding geotextile fabric can provide additional stability and prevent the footing from becoming too compacted or frozen.
The Winter Hoofprint:
Protecting Equine Health Amidst the Frost
During the winter season, it’s important to pay close attention to your horse’s health and well-being. This includes taking care of their hooves and making sure their performance is not affected by the cold weather conditions. Keeping a watchful eye on how the cold affects your equine companion is essential for their overall health and happiness.
Equine Health:
Navigating Through Winter Rides
Considering your horse’s hooves and overall wellbeing should remain paramount throughout the winter months. Adapting rides to the condition of the arena footing, possibly utilizing indoor arena options during particularly harsh outdoor conditions, and being mindful of how the cold can impact your horse’s performance is essential in keeping your equine partner in peak condition.
Winterizing your arena
Preparing your arena for winter, whether it’s an indoor or outdoor one, is not just a chore but a necessary strategy to prevent your riding activities from being affected by the freezing temperatures during the winter season. It involves understanding and managing freeze-thaw cycles, using additives like magnesium chloride and WHOA Dust® to improve traction, ensuring proper drainage, and selecting the right footing material. Every step you take to winterize your arena is crucial for ensuring safe and enjoyable riding and maintaining the well-being of your equine companion during the chilly season.
Contact us
Stay tuned with WHOA Dust® for more equestrian tips and tap into a world where every ride, regardless of the season, is smooth, safe, and spectacular.
For personalized advice and arena solutions, contact our experts at whoadust.com or dial 1-888.913.3150.